Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

This feature is available in Enterprise Plan.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a vendor-neutral software protocol used to lookup information or devices within a network. Bytebase supports using LDAP for configuring Single Sign-On (SSO).


Basic information:

  • Name: the display name shown to your users (e.g. JumpCloud)
  • Identity Provider ID: a human-readable unique string, only lower-case alphabets and hyphens are allowed (e.g. jumpcloud)
  • Domain: the domain name to scope associated users (e.g., optional)

Identity provider information:

  • Host: the host of LDAP server (e.g.
  • Port: the port number of the LDAP server, usually 389 for StartTLS and 636 for LDAPS
  • Bind DN: the Distinguished Name (DN) of the user to bind as a service account to perform search requests (e.g. uid=system,ou=Users,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com)
  • Bind Password: the password of the user to bind as a service account
  • Base DN: the base Distinguished Name (DN) to search for users (e.g. ou=users,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com)
  • User Filter: the filter to search for users (e.g. (uid=%s), where %s will be subsituted by the username)
  • Security protocol: the security protocol to be used for establishing connections with the LDAP server

User information field mapping:

  • Email: the attribute to be used as the Bytebase user email address (e.g. mail)
  • Display name: the attribute to be used as the Bytebase user display name (e.g. displayName, optional)
  • Phone: the attribute to be used as the Bytebase user phone number (e.g. phone, optional)


  • The attribute uid is the username (e.g. system) not the email (e.g. [email protected]) in JumpCloud.
  1. Follow the JumpCloud Use Cloud LDAP to create an LDAP binding user and add Users to the LDAP directory.
  2. In Bytebase, go to Settings > SSO to create a new LDAP provider (all values are examples):
    • Name: JumpCloud
    • Identity Provider ID: jumpcloud
    • Domain:
    • Host:
    • Port: 389
    • Bind DN: uid=YOUR_USERNAME,ou=Users,o=YOUR_ORG_DN,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
    • Bind Password: YOUR_PASSWORD
    • Base DN: ou=Users,o=YOUR_ORG_NAME,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com
    • User Filter: (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
    • Security protocol StartTLS
    • Email: mail
    • Display name: displayName


The attribute uid is the username (e.g. system) not the email (e.g. [email protected]) in Okta.

  1. Follow the Okta Enable the LDAP interface to enable LDAP interface for your directory.
  2. In Bytebase, go to Settings > SSO to create a new LDAP provider (all values are examples):
    • Name: Okta
    • Identity Provider ID: okta
    • Domain:
    • Host:
    • Port: 389
    • Bind DN: uid=YOUR_USERNAME,ou=users,dc=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN,dc=okta,dc=com
    • Bind Password: YOUR_PASSWORD
    • Base DN: ou=users,dc=YOUR_SUBDOMAIN,dc=okta,dc=com
    • User Filter: (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))
    • Security protocol StartTLS
    • Email: mail
    • Display name: cn
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