Schema Sync and Rollback

For the Free Plan, you can only sync from the latest schema version. Syncing from arbitrary schema versions is available in the Pro Plan and Enterprise Plan.

Bytebase supports synchronizing a specified schema version of one database to others. It displays the schema differences between the two selected databases and generates the suggested DDL statements (e.g. ALTER TABLE). You can:

  • Propagate the schema changes from the test database to your prod database.
  • Revert the database schema to an old version.

Supported Objects

MySQLTable, Index, Constraint, View, Event, Trigger, Function, Procedure
PostgreSQLSchema, Table, Index, Constraint, View, Sequence, Extension, Function, Trigger, Enum Type
TiDBTable, Index, Constraint, View
OracleTable, Index, Constraint

How to use

Step 1 - Go to the "Sync schema" page

Click the "Sync schema" button in the left navigation bar.

Step 2 - Select source schema

You need to select the project and source database schema version that you want to synchronize.


In the Enterprise Plan, you can select an arbitrary schema version from the migration history. In other plans, you can only select the latest schema version.

Step 3 - Select target databases

Select the target databases that will be synchronized with the chosen schema version in the previous step.


After you have selected a target database, Bytebase will show a schema diff between the two databases and generate the DDL statements. And you can further edit the generated content.


Step 4 - Preview issue

With the generated DDL statements, you can preview and create an "Alter Schema" issue. This kicks off the change workflow for the applied database.

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