Bytebase 1.2.0
Mila1 min read
🚀 New Feature
Schema Review for SQL Editor
- After setting up the schema review policy, if the SQL statement violates the error rule, Bytebase prevents SQL execution and shows error messages
- Users can change the rule level from "Error" to "Warning"
- If the SQL statement violates the updated schema review policy, Bytebase will run the SQL, but the warning message will display "Warning"
- If schema review passes, Bytebase will run the SQL normally
- Users can change the rule level from "Error" to "Warning"
🎄 Enhancements
- Improved SQL Editor styles
- Improved SQL Editor experience with auto-completion and code formatting on the issue page
- Support to set SSL connection arguments for ClickHouse instances
- Support to Approve/Run all tasks in a stage for tenant mode deployment issues
- Allow users to retry the schema migration task if it fails
- Will not enforce migration version when users transfer a database to a tenant mode project
🎠 Community
- Thanks to @Cluas for:
- Thanks to @chiyutianyi for: feat: prometheus integration and pprof registration simplification #1550
⚙️ Install and Upgrade
Fresh install:
Warning: Bytebase does not support downgrade. Make sure to back up your meta data before upgrading.