Bytebase 1.0.4

2 min read

Support storing Bytebase metadata in the external PostgreSQL

Use the --pg option to specify the database endpoint upon launching Bytebase. _

🚀  Features

bb CLI Support --dsn option in CLI

Support data source name (DSN) formats to connect databases in CLI, e.g. --dsn mysql://user:passwd@host:port/dbname?opt1=val1&opt2=val2

Add installation script of bb CLI

User can install bb CLI with only one command.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Previously, users needed to go through several steps from downloading on GitHub Release, decompressing and manually moving the files to executable file directory.

Add dashboard page to manage all SQL sheets

Introducing the SQL sheet dashboard page as users can view all related sheets in a table view. _

Admin page to view all projects

Users whose roles are Owner and DBA in Workspace can view all projects under Settings. _

Added /healthz health check endpoint

This enables serverless platforms like to point its health check endpoint to /healthy.

🎄 Enhancement

Expose Visit Default Project button explicitly

The Default Project is the special project holding the databases synced from the database instance. Users usually need to visit this project to transfer the database to their own projects. _

🎠  Community

⚙️ Install and Upgrade

Warning: Bytebase does not support downgrade. Make sure to back up your meta data before upgrading.

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